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Design and application of diimine-based copper(I) complexes in photoredox catalysis, Tamás Földesi, Réka Adamik, Gellert Sipos, Bálint Nagy, Balázs L. Tóth, Attila Benyei, Krisztina Szekeres, Győző Láng, Attila Demeter, Timothy Peelen, Zoltán Novák, Org. Biomol. Chem. 201917, 8343-8347. DOI: 10.1039/C9OB01331H | [Full Text Link] [Supp. Info. Link, CIF]

Structurally different bis(imino)copper(I) complexes were prepared in a highly modular manner and utilized as copper-based photocatalysts in ATRA reactions of styrenes and alkyl halides. The new photocatalysts showed good catalytic activity and ensured efficient chemical transformations.

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Front cover of the issue: Org. Biomol. Chem.2019,17, 8263-8264. DOI:10.1039/C9OB90149C | [Full Text Link]

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